Connect systems and data intelligently

If the company knew what the company knows.

Rely on the existing knowledge in your SMB

In order to remain competitive, not only new approaches to solutions are required, but also the effective use of existing knowledge in companies.

The continuous evolution of the digital landscape has not only revolutionized the way data is collected, but also significantly expanded its versatility when applied across different business areas and processes.

Our approach to efficient use of data

Sharing data requires a seamless connection of systems and the smooth exchange of information across divisions or even company boundaries.

We asked ourselves how we can connect systems in the company as easily as possible. Our why is clear: we wanted to create a solution based on complex technology while being as easy to use as possible for SMBs.

It was also important to us that we could not only create another interface solution, but also map, automate and control processes as a whole. To complement the functionality, our solution uses specially trained AI models for data protection-compliant analysis and quality assurance of the processed data.

How we enable SMBs to connect their existing data and systems

Our answer is CLUE – our innovative data hub. CLUE acts as a cloud-based platform that connects a variety of corporate systems and allows data to be shared seamlessly and efficiently between different departments and processes.

Our data hub CLUE enables the optimal allocation and distribution of your data for processes within your company. This seamless connection of systems also makes CLUE possible between companies and thus creates the basis for comprehensive digital processes.

The connection of data and processes between companies offers the opportunity for long-term partnerships and shared success. For example, how well can customer service succeed if all parts of the service chain are interconnected?

Rely on our intelligent solution to take advantage of these advantages for your company!

Reading tip

Questions about offer & implementation?

We like to make time for you! Simply contact us so that together we can find the best path to your digitalization goals.

We like to make time for you! Simply contact us so that together we can find the best path to your digitalization goals.

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